The Horns of Odin, also known as Triskelion or Triskeles, depicts three interlocking horns. The mysterious symbol is often associated with the powerful god, Odin, through the legendary theft?of Mead of Poetry.?
This intricate ring depicts the Horns of Odin symbol decorated with?classic Mammen ornaments.?
It?is said that this iconic symbol represents forward movements that is believed to manifest energy of the life, death and rebirth cycle.?
A splendid and meaningful gift for any?Viking and Nordic mythology fans.?
Carefully?handcrafted, this ring is made of the highest quality 925 sterling silver.?Each ring is handmade to order by European master craftsmen, and is shipped from Europe.
If you are shipping this item to the EU,?
This?ring can also be handcrafted in Yellow or White Gold. Please contact us at [email protected] for pricing and to?make a custom order.?
Please allow 5-10 business days?for shipping as this ring is handmade to order.
Material:?925 Sterling Silver
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